Privacy Statement
I am doing my utmost to ensure your privacy. This means among other things that I will deal with your personal data with due care. Your appointments are kept in my calendar, I receive your emails in my email program (PGP encoding is available) and unauthorized parties do not have access to your data, including your health insurance.
For a proper treatment I have to create file. There is also a legal obligation to do so under the Dutch Medical Treatment Agreement Act (‘WGBO’). In this file I will make notes on your health and data on examinations and treatments. The file is a paper file in order to prevent data leaks.
Sometimes the file may contain data necessary for your treatment and which I have obtained after your explicit consent from other care professionals, e.g. your general practitioner.
As your treating therapist I am the only person who has access to your file. I am legally bound to confidentiality (‘beroepsgeheim’).
The data from your file may also be used in the following ways:
- To inform other health professionals, e.g. after finishing your therapy, or when referring to another health professional. This will only be done after your explicit consent.
- For peer review (the data will be anonymized).
- A small part of the data from the file is required for the financial administration, to be able to make an invoice. The invoice will mention your name, address, the date of the consultation, a brief description and the costs.
If for any other reason I would like to use your data, I will first inform you and explicitly ask for your consent.
If you wish so, your paper file will be shredded after finishing your therapy. If not, I will keep it for 15 years, as required by the Dutch Medical Treatment Agreement Act.
By booking a consultation you automatically agree with this policy concerning the Dutch General Data Protection regulation (Algemene Verordering Gegevensbescherming).
This Privacy statement is a translation of the original text in Dutch mentioned on this website. In the event of discrepancies between the two, the Dutch version shall prevail.